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Our Kern County Bargaining Team met with the county on Thursday, August 13, 2020, to discuss proposals addressing our need for a livable wage.  We reminded the County that our members have not seen a wage increase in over 13 years. With the minimum wage moving up to $14 a year starting January 1, 2021, we CANNOT continue to live off stagnant wages while the cost of living continues to rise.

We believe our proposal is fair and it addresses the rising cost of living standards.  As of this moment, we have not heard back from the county.  We need all of our members to TAKE ACTION NOW by signing up to speak during the public comments section of the Kern County Board of Supervisors Budget Hearing on Tuesday, August 25, 2020.

We must show up in big numbers at this meeting where the Board will be finalizing this fiscal year’s budget.  We need to demand our County take care of us, the workers, and respect and acknowledge the work we do every day to serve our communities.

Click here to read how to sign up to speak during public comments of meeting.