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PDF: Fresno Unit 4 Victory
The Unit 4 election is finally over! On Monday at 10am, the vote tally confirmed that nearly 80% of Unit 4 employees chose to stand stronger together in SEIU Local 521. Today, we have proven once again that we will not be divided or defeated.
Now we can focus on winning a strong contract!
With our landslide victory, management’s misperception of Unit 4’s divisiveness has been dispelled, and we can now move forward in making REAL progress at the bargaining table. In the past few months, the election has stalled negotiations, with management dragging its feet and offering short-sighted proposals. We’ve been able to fight those proposals. But now that we are united, we can truly move to win a contract that is fair and just.

“This has been a long fight and while we may be tired, we will continue to work. We will continue to deliver amazing service. We will continue to build our own organization. We will use this victory and continue to fight for fair treatment from the Fresno County Board of Supervisors. We the People stood strong today. Today is more of a beginning than it is an end and we have an amazing future before us.”           –Carol Neff, Eligibility Worker